Can I set Workflow values in a URL?

Yes - this is one of the features that makes Malcolm! Workflows super powerful!

integrations logic overview
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How do I delete feedback on an FAQ or Workflow?

Follow these instructions to delete feedback you no longer wish to store

Can I enable reCAPTCHA on my Workflows or FAQs?

Yes, we support Google reCAPTCHA, find out more here

reCAPTCHA spam
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What is MyMalcolm?

MyMalcolm is the control panel of Malcolm! which you can access at

How do I use your Wordpress plugin?

Find information on how to use our Wordpress plugin here.

embed embeds wordpress
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How is the removal of Company Personal Data handled?

Various processes and events for data deletion and purging happen once your account is closed.

Can I put videos in my FAQs?

Yes, the best way to do this is via an external host like YouTube or Vimeo.

embed video
100% found this useful

How are Related FAQs determined and can I change this?

Related FAQs are auto-generated and by default are FAQs either in the same category or similarly tagged. We take the top 5 most popular from that list.

MyMalcolm tags
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