How do I surface my Workflow into a floating widget?
It's quick and easy to surface your Workflow as a floating widget. You can find out more about Malcolm! widgets here.
In the Library screen of the Workflow section of MyMalcolm click the three dots on the right hand side of the screen and select "Embed" -

This will take you into the Share section of MyMalcolm! Here you can choose the type of embed you want to create.

Choose "Widget" and work through the screens. You can configure various options here including whether in the pre-expand state the widget is a button or a drawer. You can also configure where on the screen you want the pre-expand to appear. Other options include colour schemes, the option to add your own logo to the widget and also whether you want the footer and search bar to appear. See this FAQ for more detail on this.
At the end of the process you will be supplied with the code that you should add to your webpage HTML - we recommend you add this to very page of your website. You can also embed via Google Tag Manager. See here for more details.