How do I change my Plan?

You can do this from the Billing Section of MyMalcolm

Can I put videos in my FAQs?

Yes, the best way to do this is via an external host like YouTube or Vimeo.

embed video
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How do I delete feedback on an FAQ or Workflow?

Follow these instructions to delete feedback you no longer wish to store

Can I have a different logo on FAQ / Workflow pages?

Yes, you can specify a secondary logo via your theme.

Why is my embed not showing?

Check these things!

embed MyMalcolm
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Do I have to pay extra to brand or customise the look and feel of Malcolm?

No - all plans include extensive branding options.

branding MyMalcolm
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Can you send me a (VAT) invoice?

You can download this from MyMalcolm!

payment vat
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How do I embed a Workflow into my website?

It's quick and easy to embed a Workflow into your website or app.

content tags
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