How do I write a good Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)?

Some top tips for writing a good Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) include....

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How do I switch between Instances?

If you are a user on more than one instance you'll see a "My Instances" screen when you login to MyMalcolm.

What is my Hosted Hub?

Every instance of Malcolm! comes with a Hosted Hub. This is a website that we host for you. If you don't wish to use it no problem!

How do I delete data submitted to a Workflow?

Follow the instructions here to delete some or all of the submitted data associated with a Workflow

How can I password-protect my hub with Memberstack?

Details of how to use Memberstack for end user hosted hub login here

MyMalcolm password
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Can I turn tags off?

Yes, you can.

MyMalcolm tags
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Understanding Malcolm! - some concepts and how to use the product

A quick overview of key Malcolm! concepts

introduction overview
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Does the free trial have any restrictions?

The free trial follows the quotas for the Team plan, but we do limit file uploads.

introduction overview trial
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