How do I reset my password?

Follow our password reset process

How do I leave Malcolm?

You can delete your instances via MyMalcolm or ask the owner of any instances you are a member of to remove you.

Do I have to pay extra to brand or customise the look and feel of Malcolm?

No - all plans include extensive branding options.

branding MyMalcolm
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How do I set up my Hosted Hub?

It's quick and easy to set up your Hosted Hub!

Why is my embed not showing?

Check these things!

embed MyMalcolm
100% found this useful

What are Tags in FAQs?

Tags are a way of describing your content and allow an alternate way for your customers to browse FAQ's aside from search and categories.

MyMalcolm tags
90% found this useful

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Want to give your users a graphical run-down of how your products or services work? Malcolm! Agency Services can help

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Malcolm! is brought to you by a passionate and dedicated team - we love all things customer support related! Find out more about us here

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