How do I set up my Hosted Hub?
Every instance of Malcolm! comes complete with a Hosted Hub that you can configure and customise.
You can find out more about the Hosted Hub here and if you want to turn if off you can find out how to do that here.
In MyMalcolm if you click "View Live" towards the top the screen you'll see what your Hosted Hub currently looks like.
The two things you are probably most likely to want to change are the URL the Hub is on and the Hub's look, feel and content. Here is how to configure each of those areas.
1. Configure the URL
In MyMalcolm, go to the Settings section, then select "Custom Domains" from the vertical left hand menu. In this area you can change the URL your Hosted Hub will use. It's possible (and no extra charge) to use your own external domain or sub-domain.

2. Change your Hub's look, feel and content
You can extensively customise your Hosted Hub to suit your own requirements. To do this, go to the Brand section of MyMalcolm, clone an existing theme, then choose the edit icon on your cloned theme.

In the edit theme area use the left hand vertical navigation to see all the custom options you have.