Can I change meta information and optimise Malcolm! for SEO?
Malcolm! offers lots of options to configure your hosted hub for SEO purposes. Below is an overview.
Hosted Hub Homepage
You can set the page title, meta description and keywords for your hosted hub homepage via Settings --> Instance --> Meta Content.
You can configure whether you want search engines to see this page via the visibility tab.
FAQs and Workflows only homepage
If you use the FAQs only and Workflows only homepages, you can set the page title, meta description and keywords for them via Settings --> FAQs --> Meta Content and Settings --> Workflows --> Meta Content respectively.
You can configure whether you want search engines to see these pages via the visibility tab.
Authors, Categories & Tags
By default the results pages for Authors, Categories & Tags are not shown to search engines, but you can change this and configure the meta information via the respective Author, Category and Tag in the FAQ section.
Advanced Settings
You can set much of the above, and some additional title and meta info via the language file which can be found at Settings --> Instance --> Advanced. Click "Show dictionary" to see what can be edited.
Individual Content
You can edit the meta content and visibility (ie whether a search engine can see it) of an individual FAQ or Workflow via the configure tab of the FAQ or Workflow in question.
Social Images
A social image is the image that will be used when you link to content via services like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn etc.
- A default social image is defined in your theme (Brand --> Theme --> edit icon on theme --> General)
- That can be overriden by defining a social image in Settings --> Instance --> Meta
- For your hosted hub home, the FAQs and Workflows only homepages and the Authors, Categories & Tags results pages the above can be overriden via the respective setting screens mentioned above.
- An individual piece of content (ie an FAQ or Workflow) can set their own social image and override the above via the configure tab of the content in question.
Site Map
All published and "visible" pages/content will appear in the sitemap.xml file which can be found at where is your actual Malcolm! hosted hub URL.
We mark up content created in the FAQs section using Schema. This means your content may appear in Google as Rich Results. You can choose between marking content up as FAQPage (perfect for questions and answers) or as a WebPage. See here for more info. In addition if you insert a How-to / Step by Step into your content this is also marked up using Schema. See here for more info.