How do I change my social share image?

Your social share image is the image that may appear when you share a URL from your hosted hub on social networks (like Facebook or LinkedIn) or in text messaging applications (like WhatsApp)

By default all pages have a generic image.

Generic Malcolm! social share image

You can change this and set your own default social share image in your theme (in the general tab of your individual theme settings)

Social share settings in your theme in MyMalcolm

There are then a number of optional overrides that you can apply if desired:

  • on each individual FAQ/Article or Workflow you can change the social share image for that individual piece of content in Configure --> Meta content
  • for each author, category or tag, if you have set the respective listing to index, you can change the social share image in the meta section of the listing settings
  • for the hosted hub home you can change the social share image in Settings --> Instance --> Meta content
  • for the individual FAQ/Article home (if enabled) you can change the social share image in Settings --> FAQs --> Meta content
  • for the individual Workflow home (if enabled) you can change the social share image in Settings --> Workflows --> Meta content

You can use a site like check your social share images are coming through as intended.

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