Can I change the fonts Malcolm! uses?
You can change the font that Malcolm! uses in your hosted hub and your embeds via theme management in the Brand section of MyMalcolm. You can have different fonts across your main theme, your Workflow theme and your embeds.
We support the following fonts:
- Arial
- Arimo
- Helvetica
- Helvetica Neue
- Lato
- Lora
- Montserrat
- Merriweather
- Merriweather Sans
- Muli
- Noto Sans
- Noto Serif
- Nunito
- Nunito Sans
- Open Sans
- Oswald
- Playfair Display
- Poppins
- PT Sans
- PT Serif
- Raleway
- Roboto
- Roboto Mono
- Roboto Slab
- Source Sans Pro
- Source Serif Pro
- Tahoma
- Ubuntu
- Ubuntu Mono